Ryan's Blog

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

First Post!

So, here I am on Google reader (thank you again, Google, for making the best inventions totally free), and realize "Hey, all of my friends have Blogs, I should get one too." So I try updating my Japanese blog, but realize I forgot the password to it (whoops... It's still available on the right, though).

The second reason for the Blog is that I am spending the Summer at Snow Mountain Ranch and would like somehow to write stuff to people about it

The Third, and perhaps most important reason for updating is in response to a friends posting about a month ago that I just now saw. It says something along the lines of the following:

If you look long enough, you'll convince yourself that Mark looks EXACLTY like Ryan Mullarky in this picture.

Ryan, Mark, Ryan, Mark... I really can't tell the difference. Must be the blond curls they both have.
To that, I have only one thing to say:

Booya!! No more hair!

The perfect picture: showcasing not only my hair [or lack therof] but the woman beside me as well. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


May 27, 2007 at 4:53 PM  

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